DemoChoice Web Poll

The deadline for this poll has passed. You may cast a ballot anyway to see who it would count for.

Assembly members from Central California (District 13)
(Rank the candidates you support!)
5 candidates will be elected.
Bill Maze, Businessman/Assembly Member (Republican)
Jean Fuller, School Superintendent/Businesswoman (Republican)
Danny Gilmore, Retired Highway Patrolman (Republican)
Anthony Adams, Legislative Director/Businessman (Republican)
Sharon Runner, Member of the State Assembly (Republican)
Jill Stone, Business Owner/ Mother (Libertarian)
Maribel Vega, Educator (Democratic)
Elliott Barkan, Professor/Writer (Democratic)
Nicole Parra, Member of the Assembly 30th District (Democratic)
Robert Bynum, School Board Trustee (Democratic)
Desmond Farrelly, Information Systems Manager (Democratic)
David Silva, Writer (Green)
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DemoChoice web polls are designed to produce satisfactory representation for everyone, with majority rule. If your favorite candidate has too few votes to win, your vote will be transferred to your next favorite, if possible. If your favorite candidate has more than enough votes, some ballots may be partially transferred so that all winners represent equal numbers of voters.
