DemoChoice Web Poll

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US Representatives from Central Valley (District 3)
(Rank the candidates you support!)
6 candidates will be elected.
TJ Cox, Chemical Engineer/Businessman (Democratic)
Barbara Lee, Member of Congress (Democratic)
Jerry McNerney, Renewable Energy Businessman (Democratic)
George Miller, U.S. Representative (Democratic)
Dennis Cardoza, United States Congressman (Democratic)
Ellen Tauscher, Member of Congress (Democratic)
Camden Mc Connell, Structural Engineer (Libertarian)
James Eyer, Scientist/Economist (Libertarian)
Richard Pombo, Rancher/Congressman (Republican)
George Radanovich, Incumbent (Republican)
Darcy Linn, Retail Executive (Republican)
John "J.D." denDulk, Political Consultant (Republican)
John Kanno, Electrical Engineer (Republican)
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