DemoChoice Web Poll

The deadline for this poll has passed. You may cast a ballot anyway to see who it would count for.

California Lieutenant Governor
(Rank the candidates you support!)
1 candidate will be elected.
John Garamendi, California State Insurance Commissioner (Democratic)
Stewart Alexander, Automobile Sales Consultant (Peace and Freedom)
Donna Warren, Financial Manager/Author (Green)
Lynnette Shaw, Caregiver/Musician (Libertarian)
Tom McClintock, California State Senator (Republican)
James King, Real Estate Broker (American Independent)
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This is an "instant runoff" poll, allowing voters to conveniently find a strongly supported winner from among many candidates, with minimal worries about "wasting" votes on weak candidates or "splitting" votes between similar candidates. Here's how it works:

  1. Each ballot is counted toward its highest-ranked remaining candidate.
  2. Does a candidate have a majority of counted votes?
    No: The last-place candidate is eliminated; go to step 1.
    Yes: The majority winner wins the election.
