DemoChoice Web Poll: August Theme Choice
1 candidate will be elected with 10 ballots cast.
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  Progust II (choose different artists/albums than we did last Progust)August: A Concept (Concept albums/albums that tell a story)Albini August (Honoring the late Steve Albini by listening to albums he worked on)Juggaluggalaugust (Juggalo stuff)Anti-Progust (First Wave Punk (74-79) )None of theseNeed to win
Round 1 Count3321105
Transfers from
Anti-Progust (First Wave Punk (74-79) )
Round 2 Count3331005
Transfers from
Juggaluggalaugust (Juggalo stuff)
Round 3 Count4330005
Transfers from
Albini August (Honoring the late Steve Albini by listening to albums he worked on)
Round 4 Count5500005
Transfers from
August: A Concept (Concept albums/albums that tell a story)
4    1 
Round 5 Count9000015

Ballots cast: 10